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Chiropractic care is a profession that uses conservative rehab tools to manage and relive neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions. The main modality that people associate with chiropractic care is the adjustment. When people say, "I got chiropractic done", they are probably talking about getting an adjustment. An adjustment is known in the medical literature as "spinal manipulative therapy."
But, since chiropractic care has such a wide scope of practice, chiropractic care may include therapeutic exercises or shockwave therapy. We might use tape to stabilize or stretches to loosen. It all depends. Chiropractors are also trained to take x-rays and read x-rays and MRIs.
In a nutshell, the benefits of chiropractic care is to promote good movement and symmetry. This balances out how your nervous system works, and it allows your muscles to hold you and move your joints with more ease. When you get adjusted, it makes it easier for you to do your exercises and other activities that make life meaningful. The benefits of better movement are manifold and profound.
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